Romel Sanday

Head Trainer/Brand Owner

a seasoned personal trainer with over 12 years of experience in Boston's dynamic fitness industry. My fitness journey started at a nonprofit named InnerCity Weightlifting, which fueled my passion for personal training.

I furthered my education at the American Academy of Personal Training, a prestigious institution known for producing top fitness professionals. With these two great beginnings I had the tools I needed to become a successful personal trainer. I've worked in various gyms, including LA Fitness and Boston Sports Club.

Along my fitness journey and after working with dozens of clients, I learned that what most needed was either Corrective training or Functional training. I then dedicated my education and fitness around these two styles of training while also specializing in women fitness.

Hello, I'm Romel


Certified Personal Trainer

Certified Functional Strength Coach

Women Fitness Specialist, Pre- and Post-Natal Training

Corrective Exercise Specialist

Youth Exercise Specialist

“Romel is one of the best personal trainers in the greater Boston area. He is not a “clipboard trainer” but an experienced Coach that listens to his clients and help ensure results.”